Arbeit in Pfarrgemeinden
Mehrere Pfarreien wurden in verschiedenen Ländern den Schönstatt-Patres anvertraut. Hier können Sie weitere Informationen dazu finden:
San Pantaleón, Florencio Varela, Argentina
Un video con fotos nos transmite algo de la vida de esta parroquia:
Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Jaraguá, Brasil
Desde 1966 os Padres de Schoenstatt tem fixado sua residência aqui, onde está localizada a Casa Central dos Padres no Brasil, um Santuário de Schoenstatt, uma casa de retiros a Casa José Kentenich. Há poucos anos fundaram também um abrigo para menores carentes e um centro educacional para jovens da comunidade local que leva o nome de Centro Educacional Catarina Kentenich.
Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, Santiago, Chile
En Carrascal, los Padres de Schoenstatt atienden la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de los Dolores hace varias décadas. Esta parroquia ha sido lugar de formación para muchísimos padres, que ahí hicieron sus prácticas. Le debemos como comunidad una gran gratitud.
Neposkvrněného početí Panny Marie, Brno, Czech Republic
This parish in the very center of the city of Brno in the Czech Republic has been founded on 18 August 1910 and is dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary. Three Schoenstatt Fathers work and live there presently.
St Ethelbert’s, Salford, England
At St Ethelbert’s, we value life-long learning. Part of growing closer to Christ means continually opening our hearts to learning more about the beauty and depth of our Catholic Faith! From our children’s ministry, Sacramental Programme, pastoral care in our Primary Schools, and many adult learning opportunities, we strive to never stop growing in faith!
Please take time to check out our website, and see some of what we have to offer.
St John Fisher’s, Salford, England
The parish St John Fisher’s in Kearsley is under the responsibility of Schoenstatt Fathers David Musgrave and Bryan Cunningham, who also have the pastoral care of the Shrine of Our Lady of Schoenstatt.
Heilig Kreuz & St. Karl Borromäus, München, Germany
Heilig Kreuz ist eine römisch-katholische Pfarrkirche im Münchner Stadtteil Forstenried. Teil des Altares ist ein romanisches Kruzifix; ihm wurde Wunderwirkung zugeschrieben, es machte dadurch Forstenried zu einem Wallfahrtsort und war damit Anlass zum Bau der Kirche. Hier und in der jüngeren Pfarrei Sankt Karl Borromäus wirken P. Michael Czysch (Deutschland) und P. Stephen Arockiam (Indien).
St. Nikolaus, Altfraunhofen, Germany
Die Pfarrgemeinde Altfraunhofen mit über 1600 Katholiken gehört zum Pfarrverband Altfraunhofen im Dekanat Geisenhausen. Der Pfarrverband wird seit September 2012 von Pfarrer Piotr Flegel geleitet. Die Ortschaft Altfraunhofen ist etwa zehn Kilometer südlich von Landshut an der Kleinen Vils gelegen.
St Joseph, Veeranchira, Kerala, India
From April 2015 on, Fr Joy Kozhukkatta is the parish priest of St Joseph’s in Veeranchira, Irinjalakuda Diocese in the State of Kerala, India.
Thumpali, Kuzhiturai, Tamil Nadu, India
Thumpali is one of the parishes in the new diocese of Kuzhithurai which earlier was part of the Diocese of Kottar. They say that the catholic presence has been in this place before 350 years. The parish is situated in Vencode vicariate of the diocese. It was on 04.06.1969 that the new Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Thumpali was built. And it was erected as parish by His Grace Most. Rev. Dr. Leon Tharmaraj D.D., the then Bishop of Kottar in the year 2001. There are 2 substations to this parish namely, the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at Karumpilavilai and Christ the King Church at Udavilai wherefrom hails our confrere Fr. Sunil Kumar. The parish priest is our confrere Fr Dhanabal Raj, ISch.
Number of Catholics: 5500 approximately
Basic Christian Communities (Anbiams): 17
Santi Patroni d’Italia, Roma, Italia
La parrocchia è stata eretta il 27 giugno 1942 con il decreto del Cardinale Vicario Francesco Marchetti Selvaggiani “In ea regione” ed affidata prima al clero diocesano di Roma e in seguito al clero secolare della diocesi di Mondovì. Il titolo è stato imposto per commemorare la dichiarazione pontificia di S. Francesco e di S. Caterina a primari patroni d’Italia.
Parafia Rzymskokatolicka Zesłania Ducha Świętego w Bęczkowicach, Polska
This parish in Poland is served by Schoenstatt Fathers Przemysław Lutyński and Henryk Szymański.
Pfarrei – und Wallfahrtskirche Maria Namen, Melchtal, Schweiz
Melchtal wird erst seit 1971 als eigenständige Pfarrei geführt. Davor sprach man von der Kaplanei Melchtal. Seit dem bestehen der Wallfahrtskirche wird sie auch als Pfarrkirche genutzt. Schönstatt-Patres Marian Wyrzykowski aus Polen und René Klaus aus der Schweiz arbeiten dort.
St. Paul Catholic Church, Austin – Texas, USA
On July 2011 St. Paul Catholic Church in the Diocese of Austin, Texas became a ministry of the Schoenstatt Fathers. Since then Fr. Hector Vega has been the Pastor with Fr. Johnson Nellissery as Parochial Vicar. Visit:
Saint Patrick Catholic Parish, Whitewater, USA
We, St. Patrick Catholic Parish, represent Christ to the world. We support one another. We invite everyone to pray, to proclaim the word, to celebrate the sacraments, and to live for others as Christ lived for us. Fr Mark Niehaus, ISch, is the pastor of this parish.